API reference

Table of contents
  1. Post-Quantum Algorithms
    1. KEM
    2. Digital Signature
  2. Classic Quantum-Resistant Algorithms
    1. AES-256
    2. SHA-3
  3. Keys
    1. Symmetric Key Containers
    2. Asymmetric Key Containers
    3. Randomness Source
    4. Secure file removal (HDD & SSD)
    5. PBKDF2
  4. Common functions

Below you may find the reference to the all API methods or examples that exist in the library. Find the method or example you want and navigate there to see more details.

Post-Quantum Algorithms


Digital Signature

Classic Quantum-Resistant Algorithms




Symmetric Key Containers

Asymmetric Key Containers

Randomness Source

Secure file removal (HDD & SSD)


Common functions

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