Common functions

Table of contents
  1. Common functions
    1. PQC_cipher_get_length
    2. PQC_context_get_length
  2. Сonstants
    1. Cipher:
    2. The length parameter:

The section provides detailed descriptions of common functions and constants used in the TQ42 Cryptography.

Common functions


Function signature

size_t PQC_API PQC_cipher_get_length(uint32_t cipher, uint32_t type);

Purpose: This function returns the size of a specific variable in bytes for a given algorithm type.


  • cipher: A constant used to select the cryptographic algorithm. Cipher constants
  • type: A constant used to determine the type of buffer whose length is needed: The length parameter

  • return values:
    • 0: Indicates an error, such as an invalid cipher/type pairing.
    • Otherwise, the length of the specified key or buffer in bytes.


Function signature

size_t PQC_API PQC_context_get_length(CIPHER_HANDLE context, uint32_t type);

Purpose: This function returns the size of the specified algorithm based on the provided context.


context : A memory area allocated for a particular algorithm. This context is initialized when an algorithm is selected (space is allocated for it and a handle is obtained). This handle is then used in all related functions without direct access to the class object. type: A constant specifying the type of length to be retrieved. The length parameter

Return values:

  • size_t: The length of the algorithm associated with the specified context.

  • 0: Indicates an error, such as an invalid context or type.



- PQC_CIPHER_AES		(1): AES-256
- PQC_CIPHER_FALCON		(5): Falcon
- PQC_CIPHER_MCELIECE		(10): Classic McEliece

The length parameter:

- PQC_LENGTH_SYMMETRIC		(0): length of key for symmetric algorhitms
- PQC_LENGTH_IV		  	(1): length of initialization vector
- PQC_LENGTH_PUBLIC	  	(2): length of public key
- PQC_LENGTH_PRIVATE	  	(3): length of private key
- PQC_LENGTH_SIGNATURE 		(4): length of signature
- PQC_LENGTH_MESSAGE	  	(5): length of message
- PQC_LENGTH_SHARED	  	(6): length of shared secret

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