Classic McEliece Overview

Table of contents
  1. NIST’s Known Answer Tests (KAT)
  2. Leveraging McEliece and True Entropy
  3. Classic McEliece 8192128f - Parameter set summary
  4. NIST status
  5. API overview
  6. Example
  • Algorithm Type: Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM)
  • Cryptographic Assumption: Based on Niederreiter's dual version of McEliece's public key encryption using binary Goppa codes.
  • Principal Submitters: Daniel J. Bernstein, Tung Chou, Tanja Lange, Ingo von Maurich, Rafael Misoczki, Ruben Niederhagen, Edoardo Persichetti, Christiane Peters, Peter Schwabe, Nicolas Sendrier, Jakub Szefer, Wen Wang
  • Authors' Website: Classic McEliece
  • Implementation License (SPDX-Identifier): The following provision applies to this part of the software as an additional term to the license: This code is based on the code of the Classic McEliece project (Classic McEliece:Implementation). The Classic McEliece software is in the public domain.
  • **GitHub Source

NIST’s Known Answer Tests (KAT)

The McEliece algorithm implementation has successfully passed the Known Answer Tests (KAT) provided by NIST. This confirms that the algorithm performs reliably as anticipated. For those interested in a deeper dive into the specifics of these tests, they are available for review.

Leveraging McEliece and True Entropy

The customization of the McEliece algorithm within TQ42 Cryptography is designed to work in synergy with true entropy, sourced from the Single Photon Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG). This technology ensures that the randomness required for cryptographic keys is of the highest quality, providing unparalleled security for company data. Since the effectiveness of any cryptographic algorithm heavily relies on the randomness of its keys, incorporating QRNG-derived true entropy with TQ42’s customized McEliece algorithm ensures that your company’s sensitive information is safeguarded in the most robust manner possible.

Classic McEliece 8192128f - Parameter set summary

  • Security Model - IND-CCA2
  • Claimed NIST Level - 3
  • Public key size - 1 357 824 bytes
  • Secret key size - 14 080 bytes
  • Ciphertext size - 240 bytes
  • Shared secret size - 32 bytes

Classic McEliece 8192128f is a specific variant of the McEliece cryptosystem, which is a public-key cryptosystem based on error-correcting codes. It is often considered a post-quantum cryptosystem, which means it is designed to be secure against attacks by quantum computers.

The "8192128f" in the name refers to the key size, which is 8192 bits. This indicates the size of the public and private keys used in the cryptosystem. The "f" refers to the specific choices made in the specific instantiation, such as the choice of finite field and the particular code used.

NIST status

Classic McEliece is a round 3 finalist in the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Project and advanced to the fourth round -

The latest state of the NIST standardization process for the McEliece Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) as part of the ongoing effort to establish post-quantum cryptographic standards involves the evaluation of Classic McEliece among other candidates. Here are the key points regarding the current status:

  • Continuation in the Process: Classic McEliece, a code-based KEM, is one of the algorithms that has continued to be under consideration in the later stages of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) Standardization Process. Specifically, it has been included in the fourth round of evaluation (

  • Security Level: Classic McEliece is noted for its IND-CCA2 security level, an important characteristic for cryptographic algorithms, signifying its suitability for secure communication standards in the face of quantum computing threats (

  • Unique Position: Unlike some other algorithms being considered for standardization, Classic McEliece does not directly compete with many as a general-purpose KEM. Its primary competition, in terms of lattice-based approaches like ML-KEM, differs in key aspects, such as key sizes and computational efficiency. Nevertheless, NIST is evaluating Classic McEliece along with others for its potential unique benefits, such as its long-standing security assumptions resilience to certain types of attacks (

  • Performance Considerations: Although Classic McEliece provides certain advantages, including a high level of security, its performance aspects–particularly in terms of key sizes–do not directly compete with some of the more computationally efficient algorithms like ML-KEM. This factor is crucial as NIST also considers the practicality of implementing these algorithms in real-world systems.

  • A Backup KEM: NIST has considered the possibility of standardizing additional algorithms like BIKE and HQC as backup KEMs, reflecting a strategy to have alternatives in the event of cryptanalytic breakthroughs against leading candidates like ML-KEM. This approach underscores the rigorous and comprehensive nature of the selection process, aiming to ensure a resilient cryptographic standard.

API overview

To include the necessary library, please refer to the Getting Started Guide. After following the guide, include the pqc/mceliece.h header in your code. All Key Exchange Mechanism algorithms have a unified API. For McEliece, you can set the algorithm to work using the constant PQC_CIPHER_MCELIECE. To learn about all the available methods for Key Exchange Mechanism APIs, visit the KEM API Overview page.



#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include <pqc/common.h>
// Include header for appropriate key exchange algorithm:
// #include <pqc/kyber.h> for Kyber
// #include <pqc/mceliece.h> for McEliece
// #include <pqc/ml-kem.h> for ML-KEM
#include <pqc/ml-kem.h>

Example of Key exchange mechanism using asymmetric encryption.
Alice and Bob create their key pairs. Public keys and encoded message are shared
Message is encoded  and shared from Alice to Bob with PQC_kem_encapsulate_secret
Message is decoded by Bob with PQC_kem_decapsulate_secret

int main()
    // Select appropriate cipher
    const uint32_t cipher = PQC_CIPHER_ML_KEM_1024;
    const size_t pk_len = PQC_cipher_get_length(cipher, PQC_LENGTH_PUBLIC);
    const size_t ss_len = PQC_cipher_get_length(cipher, PQC_LENGTH_SHARED);
    const size_t msg_len = PQC_cipher_get_length(cipher, PQC_LENGTH_MESSAGE);
    std::vector<uint8_t> pk(pk_len);       // public (encapsulation) key
    std::vector<uint8_t> ss_alice(ss_len); // shared secret (Alice)
    std::vector<uint8_t> ss_bob(ss_len);   // shared secret (Bob)
    std::vector<uint8_t> msg(msg_len);     // message from Alice to Bob

    // Context init for Bob
    CIPHER_HANDLE bob = PQC_context_init_asymmetric(cipher, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0);
    if (bob == PQC_BAD_CIPHER)
        std::cout << "Context init for Bob failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    // Bob generates public (encapsulation) key (to share with Alice) and secure (decapsulation) key
    size_t gen_keypair_result = PQC_context_keypair_generate(bob);
    if (gen_keypair_result != PQC_OK)
        std::cout << "Key generation failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    // Get public (encapsulation) key to share it with Alice
    size_t pk_get_result = PQC_context_get_public_key(bob,, pk.size());
    if (pk_get_result != PQC_OK)
        std::cout << "Public key getting error!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    // Context init for Alice
    CIPHER_HANDLE alice = PQC_context_init_asymmetric(cipher,, pk.size(), nullptr, 0);
    if (alice == PQC_BAD_CIPHER)
        std::cout << "Context init for Alice failed!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    // Alice derives shared key to be used for data encryption and message for other party call
    size_t enc_result = PQC_kem_encapsulate_secret(alice,, msg.size(),, ss_alice.size());
    if (enc_result != PQC_OK)
        std::cout << "Secret hasn't been successfully encapsulated!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    // Bob derives shared key from message and private key
    size_t dec_result = PQC_kem_decapsulate_secret(bob,, msg.size(),, ss_bob.size());
    if (dec_result != PQC_OK)
        std::cout << "Secret hasn't been successfully decapsulated!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    if (ss_bob == ss_alice)
        std::cout << "Shared secrets are equal!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Error! Shared secrets are not equal!" << std::endl;

    // Encapsulation / decapsulation with party info

    std::fill(ss_alice.begin(), ss_alice.end(), (uint8_t)0); // clear
    std::fill(ss_bob.begin(), ss_bob.end(), (uint8_t)1);     // clear

    const size_t info_size = 10;
    // party_a_info (in): additional data to be used for key derivation
    uint8_t party_a_info[info_size] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};

    enc_result =
        PQC_kem_encapsulate(alice,, msg.size(), party_a_info, info_size,, ss_alice.size());
    if (enc_result != PQC_OK)
        std::cout << "Secret hasn't been successfully encapsulated using party info!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    dec_result =
        PQC_kem_decapsulate(bob,, msg.size(), party_a_info, info_size,, ss_bob.size());
    if (dec_result != PQC_OK)
        std::cout << "Secret hasn't been successfully decapsulated using party info!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    if (ss_bob == ss_alice)
        std::cout << "Shared secrets are equal!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Error! Shared secrets are not equal!" << std::endl;


    return 0;

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